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The September 2022 issue is now available online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including:
TEST RIG MODERNIZATION: What should be considered when seeking to upgrade or build a new test bench? How can companies ensure their rigs are both environmentally sensitive and futureproofed?
SIMULATION FOCUS: SUSTAINABILITY: How eco-friendly high-performance computing facilities built amongst nature are harnessing hydropower and natural cooling to operate.
SIMULATION FOCUS: VOLVO AND DIL: The Swedish OEM describes the technicalities of winter test driving in a simulator, including the pros and cons of relying on these machines.
AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO IN NOVI, MICHIGAN: Your comprehensive guide to North America’s leading automotive testing show, which will be held October 25, 26 and 27, 2022 at the Surburban Collection Showplace.
Note to iPad and iPhone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or iPhone to at least the iOS 5 Operating System.
Note to Android tablet and Android phone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or Android phone to at least the Version 4.0 Operating System.