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The June 2016 issue is now available online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including:
HEALTH AND SAFETY: Ensuring the welfare of its test engineers is the highest priority for any OEM, but how much peril are the drivers evaluating new and unproven technologies actually in?
BEST TEST ROADS: Vehicle validation engineers from leading OEMs reveal their favorite real-world surfaces to test and evaluate their latest development prototypes.
TORTURE TESTING: Development of Ford’s latest F-Series Super Duty pickup truck included gruelling new durability tests that pushed the vehicle to its absolute limits
EXPO PREVIEW: Exhibitors are gearing up to launch more brand-new technologies than ever at Automotive Testing Expo Europe in Stuttgart, Germany, May 31 to June 2. Here’s your comprehensive preview!
Note to iPad and iPhone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or iPhone to at least the iOS 5 Operating System.
Note to Android tablet and Android phone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or Android phone to at least the Version 4.0 Operating System.