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The September 2018 issue is now available online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including:
CAMOUFLAGE REVOLUTION: Protecting prototypes from spy photographers and competitors is an ongoing challenge for OEMs. ATTI talks to those working hard to develop the vehicle disguises of the future.
VW ID R PIKES PEAK: How simulation, 3D printing and group-wide collaboration sowed the seeds for Volkswagen to make motorsport history at this year’s Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.
AUDI E-TRON PROTOTYPE: Why the BEV’s comprehensive test program included administering impulse voltages of up to 3,000,000V inside a Faraday cage at the world’s largest switchgear production plant.
AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO 2018 IN NOVI, MICHIGAN : Your definitive guide to North America’s must-attend engineering event of the year, which takes place on October 23-25 at the Suburban Collection Showplace.
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Note to Android tablet and Android phone readers: to view this digital edition with the latest interactive features, please ensure you have upgraded your tablet or Android phone to at least the Version 4.0 Operating System.